Review: when you were everything

I recently had friendship break up (when I said recently it means five months from now) where I couldn't do anything to stop it. So I started reading this book to find solution. However it didn't mend my friendship but my heart for sure.

So what was this book about???

When you were everything by Ashley Woodfolk portrays Cleo's perspective where she has recently lost her best friend and begins to create new memories which were tethered with Lyla, her best friend. But she could no longer run from Lyla and her memories as she was assigned to tutor her.

This book was relatable to me on so many level that it felt so special to me and became my all time favourite book. While reading I could relate to most of the incidents and event. This book is not about finding solution to fix your friendships (maybe it could...I could not avoid because it was done) but about healing and understanding and forgiveness. This book doesn't point fingers on characters flaws and faults but tries to tell you that forever sometimes has timeline or it it doesn't exist always and let it be their to face it even if they are ugliest scar. I could see through narrator's eye and understood her actions and need. This book talks about ugliness and spectrum of life where people often get lost even when they have their loved ones. This book was an emotional ride and left me in tears. The pace was good and has alternatively timeline into them and now where you could easily navigate to past to see characters' morality deem. 

It is unique and heart-wrenching story where you could not avoid the heartbreak and that is why I want you to read this.

Few quoted lines:

That's the thing about words: they can leave you both unscathed and completely gutted.
  Girls wage endless wars with their voices tearing you apart without touching you at all.

"Is it wrong to expect loyalty and for love to unconditional?" 
The love and life are fluid. That even your heroes can makes choices that fall into shades of grey.

(Read and let's discuss book into comment section because still couldn't stop thinking about it and I want people suffer from this book😉.)


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